Job advice

Company life

The Office Layout that Promotes Collaboration

We know that office design should be a priority for human resources. Are you trying out the open area experience? Go ahead, but not any old way! Office layout must be done intelligently by involving employees. Advice for an effective transition for an office layout that promotes collaboration. Lighted spaces with informal synergy, open area offices […]

Jobs search

Top 5 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes

Entering the job market for the first time, changing careers after several years at one place or aiming for a higher job… there are many different reasons motivating us to have an interview. Do you know how to succeed? Here are the top 5 most common job interview mistakes. Not being prepared for your interview […]

Company life

Sociocratic governance – hope for employees

If you have had enough of stress at work or even want to avoid burnout, consider sociocracy. This method of dynamic governance is bringing satisfaction for employees, while developing productivity in organizations, as the Canadian geneticist David Suzuki says in his book Good News for a Change. What is this method of governance based on? […]

Jobs search

Does a false CV automatically lead to dismissal?

Many surveys confirm it – about 40% of the population have lied on their CV. A diploma that wasn’t completed, an exaggerated internship, software not mastered… candidates often inflate their skills to gain access to the coveted position. But once hired and unmasked, how serious are these lies? “A false cv is never good, but […]


Big Data and accounting – is the future now?

It’s hard to ignore Big Data today – it’s the relentless trend of the world of business and organizations. All business areas are affected by it or will eventually be in the short to medium term. The accounting profession will not escape this profound disruption, while accountants and auditors will have to consider new ways […]

Career management

Free Open Source Software Opportunities

Free [open source] software has for some years now appealed to much more than the small technician community. Up to now, the world market has been driven by governments: every month, governments and public utilities announce their conversion to Open Source. Canada is behind and has barely started to make the choice between free software […]

Career management

Discover the Computer Security Specialist Job

Companies have understood that by investing in new information technologies (IT), they can reap substantial productivity benefits of up to 25%. However, unless accompanied by a true security policy—ideally 10 to 15% of the IT budget—all these financial efforts can be quickly and suddenly wiped out. More than 50% of companies disappear within five years […]


Big data and artificial intelligence at the heart of a Community of Practice

Facebook, Microsoft, Google and IBM: these multinationals have chosen to focus on Montreal and on its advances and research in new technologies. Artificial intelligence and big data are being increasingly used around the world. Tomorrow’s business leaders trained at HEC understand very well that these technologies are the way of the future. They have created […]


The Intelligence Revolution – A Report to Read

Canada’s workforce will be facing fundamental changes in the coming years. Business leaders and politicians need to prepare workers for these disruptions. The Intelligence Revolution: Future-proofing Canada’s workforce. This is the title of a report co-authored by Deloitte Canada and the HRPA (Human Resources Professionals Association). It urges business and political leaders to prepare workers […]


Job Dating? A Trendy Recruitment Technique

On the same principle as speed dating, recruiters meet candidates for a limited time. It’s a hiring tactic that is increasingly popular in Quebec, with some businesses organizing it regularly! To increase productivity, what could be better than a recruitment technique that works at great speed? By adopting the technique of speed dating – a […]


Continuing Education in the Information Technology Field

With technology changing at an ever-increasing pace, people working in the IT field have to train continually to avoid becoming obsolete. Several IT occupations require a combination of skills that come from different technical disciplines. After completing their initial training, whether through a professional or master’s degree program, IT professionals have to deal with innovations […]


Does Artificial Intelligence Threatens your Job?

Although it’s the stuff of dreams, Artificial Intelligence (AI) also makes many people fearful of losing their jobs. AI could eliminate 7 million jobs by 2020 and only create 2 million, a net loss of 5 million positions in 3 years. Confronted by these figures, should we be alarmed? This study from Klaus Schwab and […]

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