Job advice


The Importance of Considering the Silent Users…

When analyzing the performance of a system, there is a tendency to put a lot of effort into settling complaints… but what about the silent users, who make up the vast majority of customers? How do you consider their “point of view”?   Make silent users “noisy” Let the silent users speak: this is very […]

Rights and labour standards

Have You Compared Your Current Salary With the Market?

After the expenses of the holiday season, now is the time to start off the New Year on the right foot. Why not compare your salary with the market? Who knows? You might be able to get the increase you’ve been hoping for for a long time.   There are many tools to find out […]


Women in IT – Do You Know the Amplification Technique?

For women, there is still a long way to go to carve out a place in certain circles, such as the White House. During Barack Obama’s first mandate, his female advisers noted that they were invited less to important meetings. And when they were invited, it was harder for them to speak or receive credit […]

Jobs search

Looking For a Job? Here’s What to Avoid at All Costs!

Finding an exciting and rewarding job is not easy! Here are some faux pas that can ruin everything… right from square one. Not coming to terms with a job experience Dismissal, psychological harassment, seeking new challenges… The end of a job should never be taken lightly. It’s necessary to take the time to take on […]


The Exploratory Meeting – A Tool to Revive Your Job Search

More subtle than sending a resume, the exploratory meeting is a way to open doors to potential employers without necessarily appearing to beg for a job… Let’s see what it is. The exploratory meeting is an informal meeting that is requested with a director, manager or professional of the same hierarchical level, to obtain information […]


Your Recent IT Work Experience Is What Matters Most

In Canada, candidates’ recent work experience carries more weight for many IT recruiting managers than other factors, according to a recent Robert Half study. This online survey, published in September 2019, was conducted among 270 Canadian IT executives. In terms of key hiring factors, respondents were asked to indicate the criteria which they felt were […]


Technology – How to Stay in the Game

The world of technology changes quickly and is continuously evolving. To avoid feeling left behind, here are some things you can do every day. Be proactive “The first thing is to be curious and proactive,” explains Mélanie Bosc, director of training at TECHNOCompétences, an information technology specialist for more than 20 years. “You have to […]


Developing Mobile Apps – Training to Take

Developing mobile apps is certainly a profession in full growth, with most people around the world now having a smart device. If this is a career you are considering or if you want to develop your skills in this area, here are several places in Quebec and Canada that offer training to become an expert […]


The Internet of Things, the Future of IT?

More and more companies are seriously exploring the potential of the Internet of Things. According to a recent report from Microsoft, 3,000 decision-makers surveyed believe that within two years, 30% of their companies’ sales will be attributable to the IoT. What does this new paradigm mean for IT workers and the sector? A part of […]

Jobs search

Job Search: How to Get Remotivated After the Summer Holidays

So you have taken a bit of a summer break in your job search, and that’s great – it’s important to recharge your batteries. But now you are having a hard time getting back into it… Here are some tips to get back into the game. Take stock If you have let go of your […]

Company life

IT Development – Why Does it Always Take Longer than Planned?

IT development projects seem to be hit with a curse: the repeated postponement of the delivery date! What explains these systematic delays? How can they be reduced as much as possible? Every development project manager (especially for software) will tell you the same thing: it is almost inevitable that the schedule will fall behind. This […]

Jobs search

Risks to Manage While Seeking a Job

Lack of money is the biggest risk faced by job seekers. Here are our tips of what to look out for and to reduce other risks from your lack of work. Financial risk The fear of financial fiasco may make you want to shorten your search by accepting the first job that comes along. No […]

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