Job advice

Career management

Is E-commerce a Job Creation Engine?

Online sales have increased considerably in Canada over the past eight years. The practice has something for everyone—sellers, buyers, and even workers, who have a variety of new occupations open to them. E-commerce, a true business opportunity Two years ago, 50% of companies believed that their goods and services were not appropriate for selling online, […]


Your CV in 10 questions

It only takes up between two and three pages yet its appearance is constantly changing. Here are some tips from human resources professionals on updating your CV. 1. Should the CV be ordered chronologically or by competency? Matthieu Degenève, founder of l’Oeil du recruteur, answers, “With standard CVs, I prefer a mixed formula with information […]

Company life

Agile management : How to implement it in your business

The concept is nice in theory: an organization must have an agile management. But, how do you implement this management culture within your organization? And how does it work on a daily basis? The concept of agile management  “Basically, the concept of agile management stems from the IT world, where projects are often very heavy […]

Company life

Working with your dog: pros and cons

A few days a week, Violaine Boucher arrives at work with Rocky, her two-year-old labradoodle. She is not alone in doing this: over 15 Moment Factory employees bring their dogs to work on a regular basis. An overview of this new trend within companies. Its many benefits According to a US scientific study published in […]

Company life

Working with your dog: pros and cons

A few days a week, Violaine Boucher arrives at work with Rocky, her two-year-old labradoodle. She is not alone in doing this: over 15 Moment Factory employees bring their dogs to work on a regular basis. An overview of this new trend within companies. Its many benefits According to a US scientific study published in […]


ICT Specialists: Is There Really a Shortage?

The explosion of new information and communication technologies stimulates recruiters appetites for workers who master these skills. But is it a commodity that is as rare as they claim? It may just be that some companies put the bar a little too high, says TECHNOCompétences. Year after year, no fewer than 6000 specialist positions in […]


Oddball interview questions

Some recruiters commonly use odd—to say the least—interview questions to catch candidates unprepared. Glassdoor has published the cream of the crop in terms of strangeness, but be forewarned, some of them will leave you scratching your head! While candidates try to prepare for recruiters’ trick questions, they cannot possibly imagine some of the unexpected things […]

Not to be missed

Information Technology Sector Round Up Infography

The Information technology (IT) industry is growing in Canada. Here is an overview of the industry, the people who work in IT and its job prospects.

Oddly enough

Teamwork : What chickens have taught us!

Select the best candidates, put them together and you have a super teamwork! True? Perhaps, but the equation is not that simple, especially if one looks at the recent results of a study on the issue, one that included chickens. Focusing on the notion of productivity, William Muir, a scientist at Purdue University in the […]

Career management

Retirement? Why Not Continue Working?

Why not keep working when retirement isn’t an option in your financial plan or part of your goals? André Hétu—Director of the Association Midi-Quarante and specialist in career transition and management for people older than 45—explains why we should. “I’ve never dwelled on the idea of retirement and still don’t. My 65th year was meaningless to […]

Company life

Vacations : Time to relax and unplug from work

For some managers, vacations time can bring unwanted stress and be hard to plan. Let’s see how we can address this.  Extended vacations Too many managers only take a week off at a time because they fear taking three weeks or more in a row. While the “zero cell phone/portable computer” message is quite acceptable […]

Jobs search

Why deal with placement agencies

Why do job hunters turn to placement agencies? Here are the advantages and disadvantages. In 2012, according to a study from the Commission des normes du travail (CNT), 46% of temporary placement agency workers had no choice but to use them to apply to jobs that interested them. What you need to know before passing through an […] network