Job advice


Brown-Out: When You Lose Motivation at Work

It’s a new form of work-related depression that may well become more common in the coming years. Brown-out, which literally refers to a “drop in power”, affects more and more workers. But what is this new disorder and what are the symptoms to watch out for? Brown-out must not be confused with burn-out, which describes […]

Not to be missed

Professional burnout – women are at higher risk

According to a study of industrial relations and sociology by the Université de Montréal, women are more susceptible to professional burnout than men, due to the nature of their work. Female employees often find themselves working in positions where they are overqualified. “Overqualificatoin can arise from a glass ceiling effect where women are less likely […]

Company life

How to React to Sexist Behaviour in Business?

Arising mainly from the patriarchy, sexism at work can be hard to identify, as it is integrated into the company culture and can manifest itself without particular violence… but it is harmful nonetheless. How is it expressed? How can we react to the various comments and behaviours of certain colleagues?     Various forms of […]

Job advice

How to Become Agile Every Day

Agility is now an inherent skill in the business world. The business analyst needs to adapt his approach to be more easily able to embrace new challenges. What is agility and how can you improve yours? Alternative project management “Agile methods” refer to a set of project management practices. Unlike traditional design and production methods […]

Career management

10 Things to Know Before Going to Work in a Start-Up

Working in a start-up may sound cool from the outside, but do you know what you’re getting into? Here are 10 things to know about joining a young sprout… 1. Ephemeral jobs In general, half of new businesses go out of business before their fifth year of existence. In the field of venture capital, an […]

Company life

Industries that Fuel Project Managers

A presentation of various industries where there is a strong demand for project managers. Information technologies According to the annual project management salary survey conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI), close to 50% of projects in Canada are projects related to IT. So it is normal for the industry to be greedy for project […]

Career management

Changing Jobs – Is This the Right Time?

In the age of mobility, workers no longer hesitate to change jobs to get a promotion, a better boss or a higher salary. But do they always choose the right time? Here are some questions to ask before thinking about quitting your job. “Leave or stay” is the question professionals ask who seek the services […]

Company life

Is Showing Your Emotions at Work Frowned Upon?

According to a survey by the Accountemps firm, more than 4 employees out of 10 admit to having cried at work. Nonetheless, nearly one executive out of two does not see any negative effect. However, 35% of them felt that crying at work was unacceptable, compared to 38% of employees. Employees decidedly judge themselves severely, […]

Not to be missed, Oddly enough

Employees, Dare to Enjoy a Siesta During the Day

Difficult nights, insomnia, exhausting daily commutes, night work… there are many reasons why you might be tired at work. If coffee, a chocolate bar or energy drink are no longer enough, the time may have come to consider the benefits of having a nap during the day. Some brief tips so you can dare to […]

Jobs search

Mistakes to Avoid for IT Job Seekers

Quebec is going through a fertile period in information technology (IT) development and there are abounding job offers. But this doesn’t mean IT job seekers can neglect the recruitment process. A look at mistakes to avoid. In the hiring interview, IT professionals have a tendency to diss their previous employers! This is one of the […]

Not to be missed

How to Apply an Agile Methodology in Your Projects

Innovative and rapidly developing companies have every interest in turning to agile methods to carry out their projects. Introduction to the agile methodology. “The first time you do an agile project it can be confusing,” admits Simon Leblanc, an IT project manager with experience in the two approaches, traditional and agile. “We need to change […]

Jobs search

Specialist in Virtual Reality – a Ready-Made Future

When the GAFAs (understand: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) of this world began to invest billions in virtual reality technologies, companies and consumers quickly realized that a small revolution was looming on the horizon. What are the ins and outs of this phenomenon?   Concepts and figures to know For ordinary people, it is not […]

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