Job advice

Company life

Mental Pressure at Work – When Is It Too Much?

How much mental pressure at work can we bear? Just as the body can lift a certain load, the head can endure a certain mental pressure. What are the signs to watch for at work to avoid the point of no return that would blow the relief valve. “It’s important to take the time to […]


Unplugging During the Holidays – Mission Impossible?

Year after year, studies show that Canadians still struggle to disconnect from work during the holidays. And it’s going from bad to worse, according to a new survey conducted by the Accountemps recruitment firm. Gone are the days when the computer was shut down after having summarily programmed an out-of-office autoreply message. Today, with a […]

Not to be missed

For a Successful Business Speech

What could be more legitimate than to feel a certain apprehension or undeniable jitter when taking the floor before your colleagues? However, if this exercise were to turn into a fiasco, it would be regrettable for the speaker and detrimental for his audience. So, take inspiration from these few tips in terms of preparation and […]

Career management

Is a Headhunter on Your Case? 

The use of headhunters in the IT sector is becoming more prevalent, given the scarcity of labour. How do these “talent seekers” work and what is to be expected of them? With the shortage of labour, IT professionals are a rare commodity and companies are no longer hesitant to use headhunters to find the rare […]

Company life

When a Disabled Person Enters the Company – Tips and Benefits

How would you react if your boss told you that your new colleague would be a disabled person? Would you perhaps start by telling him that this is rather a person with a disability… Indeed, looking beyond the disability eliminates prejudices, removes barriers and makes the new recruit’s integration easier. If everyone makes it their […]

Company life

Self-Confidence at Work – It’s a Winner!

How do you get self-confidence at work? Here are some tips to achieve this and be able to function at your full potential! Getting to know your strengths and areas for improvement “People who know themselves well have more self-confidence, because they know where their talents are,” summarizes Jacinthe Ouellet, occupational psychologist and coach at […]

Jobs search

Solutions for finding work… fast!

If you are looking for a job, whether temporary job or your career ideal, you must first take care of your CV and cover letter template to enhance the value of your skills. You can do the same with your LinkedIn profile, which is a good showcase for potential employers, provided it is neat and […]

Not to be missed

Knowing How to Manage a Project’s Risks

Risk management is often the aspect most neglected by a project manager. However, it is of capital importance. Overview of the process of managing the risks of a project and the keys for success. In project management, there’s no such thing as “zero risks”. However, knowing this, project managers often leave risk management behind, focusing […]

Career management

Do You Know About Work Sharing?

An overloaded schedule, finding it hard to spend time with your family… Juggling work and family life can sometimes be complicated and affect the morale and even the health of your employees, as is revealed by a study conducted by Quebec’s Institut national de santé publique. Combining the two and achieving equilibrium is still possible, […]

Jobs search

Six tips to increase your visibility on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is now an essential tool for job seekers and their visibility. But with its various paid versions and dozens of parameters, it can be difficult to know how to use it effectively. Here are some tips to best set up your profile. While many job seekers tend to use the the LinkedIn search engine […]


Business Analyst Certification – Mixed Benefits

Throughout his career, the business analyst will be called upon to bridge the gap between IT and the business field. He could, if he wishes, obtain up to 4 certifications awarded by the IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis): ECBA, CCBA, CBAP and CBATL. The ECBA (Entry Certificate in Business Analysis) is obtained at the […]

Company life

7 trends for the future work environment

More flexibility, digitalization and diversity, fewer hierarchical systems, for more intelligent human capital – these are the major trends ahead for the future work environment. Sodexo, a specialist in quality of life services, has each year since 2012 a study on the major trends of work and their developments. Its goal is to provide the […]

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