Career management

Career management

So you’re looking for change: how should you let it be known?

Have you been in the same job for several years and are beginning to find the routine tedious? It’s quite normal to want a change, either upward or horizontally. Here are 5 tips on sharing your ambitions with your boss. Prepare in advance There should be no question of presenting yourself with a request for […]

Career management

Is E-commerce a Job Creation Engine?

Online sales have increased considerably in Canada over the past eight years. The practice has something for everyone—sellers, buyers, and even workers, who have a variety of new occupations open to them. E-commerce, a true business opportunity Two years ago, 50% of companies believed that their goods and services were not appropriate for selling online, […]

Career management

Retirement? Why Not Continue Working?

Why not keep working when retirement isn’t an option in your financial plan or part of your goals? André Hétu—Director of the Association Midi-Quarante and specialist in career transition and management for people older than 45—explains why we should. “I’ve never dwelled on the idea of retirement and still don’t. My 65th year was meaningless to […]

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