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Not to be missed

National Job Fair 2023 – 17th edition

This is the 17th edition of The National Job Fair in Montreal. The National Job Fair will be held, this year again, in the spectacular exhibition hall of the he Olympic Stadium. Visitors will be able to find companies from sectors as varied as aeronautics, pharmaceuticals, education, government services, health, transport, security … Free admission for the […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – September 2023

Here is our summary of the hirings and layoffs that made headlines in Canada in September 2023. Hirings The Quebec government has granted $644 million in funding to a consortium formed by Ford, EcoProBM and SK On for the construction of a battery materials production plant in Bécancour. This project will create more than 345 […]


Generative AI disrupts the world of work

Generative AI in the workplace translates into both productivity gains and risks for employers, argues KPMG Canada in a study published in June. One in five Canadians would use generative artificial intelligence (AI) at work or in their studies, according to KPMG Canada; 18% of people do it daily, 34% a few times a week, and 26% […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – May 2023

Companies have recently made layoffs while others have announced the hiring of new employees. Hirings The company specializing in digital transformation and information technology Micro Logic announces the creation of more than 500 positions over the next 5 years following the receipt of significant financial support from the Government of Quebec, Investissement Québec , Desjardins […]


A review of hirings and dismissals in Canada – April 2023

Companies have recently laid off many employees while others have announced the hiring of staff. New jobs The two titans of telecommunications in Canada, Rogers and Shaw, have just announced their merger, valued at $26 billion. Innovation, Science and Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne has demanded that Rogers create 3,000 jobs in Western Canada and maintain […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – March 2023

Companies have recently laid off many employees while others have announced the hiring of staff. Hirings The airline Airbus plans to hire 800 new employees in Canada. Of this number, 700 positions will be available in the province. Of those hired, 300 will replace retiring staff and another 500 will fill new positions.   Team […]


A review of hirings and dismissals in Canada – February 2023

Some companies here and elsewhere have recently laid off a large number of employees, while others have announced the opening of new positions. Balance sheet. New jobs A federal investment of $25.5M from the Jobs and Growth Fund will benefit 15 Calgary-area businesses. This amount is expected to support the creation of more than 815 […]


An overview of hirings and dismissals in Canada – January 2023

Some companies here and elsewhere have recently laid off a large number of their staff members, while others have announced the opening of new positions. Overview. Hiring Canada has entered into an agreement with the United States government and Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney for the acquisition of F-35 fighters for the Royal Canadian […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – December 2022

Over the past month, some companies have laid off a large number of employees, while hirings and job openings have been announced by others. Balance sheet. Hiring Following the recent national partnership established with Best Buy, Purolator is hiring 1,200 new employees across the country to provide a more efficient delivery service, particularly on weekends […]

Rights and labour standards

The right to disconnect: Quebec’s turn soon?

About five years after France adopted a law on the right to disconnect, a first Canadian province has legislated on it. Since June 2nd, Ontario businesses with 25 or more employees are required to have a written disconnection policy – a first in North America. Effectively, the Ontario law defines disconnection as follows: “Not transmitting […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – November 2022

Some companies have recently laid off large numbers of their employees, while others have announced new job openings. Balance sheet. HIRES Currently in an intensive recruitment period, Revenu Québec has announced that around 100 positions are currently available (French version only) in several sectors of activity, including customer service, information technology, accounting and law. The City […]

Oddly enough

Quiet quitting: is Quebec immune to this phenomenon?

In the United States, more than 50% of the workforce might be practising quiet quitting, a trend where people  do the bare minimum in order to satisfy the expectations of their managers, no more and no less. This was revealed in June by a study conducted by the Gallup polling firm. Since July, this pattern […]

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